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Friday, June 14, 2013

Oatmeal Fruit Delight

This is a really nutritious, quick, and hassle free recipe. I learned it when I was watching a nutritional show when I was younger...I think it was Zonya's Health bites? But I adapted it a bit and made it my own to fit more of my own nutritional needs and what I prefer! This is super easy! You make a big batch and then you just deplete it by eating a serving each day. Just think! You only have to make it once and it could feed you for a couple days! WOOT WOOT!

This recipe makes for 4 servings.

2 Cups of Steel Cut Oats

2 1/2-3 cups of whatever fruit you want! Fresh or frozen!

1 2/3 of almond milk

1-2 Tbl of cinnamon (depending on your taste buds)

1/2 a scoop of chocolate shakeology

(Yes you can add stevia or honey to put a little sweetness in it, but I don't really think it needs it)

Stir it all together and let it sit over night. BAM! Breakfast for for days!

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