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Thursday, July 25, 2013

Sweet Tooth Killer #4

I don't know about you, but I usually get a sweet tooth when I am dehyrdated...weird... does anyone else get this way? Or do you feel like you are "hungry" but you just ate? I also feel that is when I need to hydrate....sometimes our bodies can get mixed signals with what the brain is telling it. For me, when I am super thirsty I usually feel the need to eat something sweet. But how about we kill two birds with one stone. Now I won't lie, this next product I am going to recommend isn't necessarily a "clean" option, it has some artificial sweeteners (the dasani brand has NO aspartame! SCORE!) but I feel like you have to choose your battles, and I don't see a lot of harm done by using these products, especially if it gets you to drink more water. I LOVE zero calorie water enhancers. They come in all different flavors and brands! Mio was pretty much the founder of this product and then crystal light, dasani, kool aide, powerade, etc. picked up on it. I like to squirt these in my water to give me a little pick me up or when I just don't feel like drinking water...and with the HIGH heat temps lately and insanity sessions....I NEED all the H2O I can get! These help water drinking more fluid (no pun). I just feel its easier sometimes, and other times I truly just want plain water. You get a bit of sweetness AND your water intake at the same time! YAY!


  1. They are so yummy and a life saver!!

  2. How did I not know about these until just now?! Thanks for sharing :)

    1. They are pretty amazing! Now you know! ;) They save my life!

  3. I try to not eat fruit (mostly veggies instead) too much, so these are a great alternative! Was sent here for the giveaway posted today!

    1. I am bad at eating my veggies, and remember fruit has a natural sugar and doesn't affect the body like processed sugar so it is ok to have fruit. I was always told whatever I have in fruit, double in veggies.....I really need to eat more veggies! I'd love to hear how you fit in more vegetable servings!


Thank you for your comments, I'll respond ASAP.