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Monday, July 22, 2013

Cinnfully Clean Give Away!!! (Did someone say, cinnamon rolls????)

Hey guys! Are your stomachs ready for an awesome link up? Not only will they be delicious but guilt free. Clean eating doesn't have to be a hassle or expensive. Watch your sales, coupons, and price matching. You can do this. There are healthy alternatives to curb any cravings.

Rules for the Link up:

1. Follow the Host and Co-Hosts

2. Grab their Button and follow along and have fun

3. Link up your healthy recipes

Alright you can stop the eyerolling at the terribly awful pun of a title I gave this post. You can have your cinnamon roll and eat it too, WITHOUT the guilt ;) I think this is one of my FAVORTIE recipes to try with my Shakeology. I have shakeology for breakfast EVERY day, sometimes I use it for lunch too. Look, I don't get paid to freely post on my blog to say how much I love shakeology. I do it because I believe in it and how much healthier I feel when I have it in my pantry. It has made my brittle nails a lot stronger, my energy level a lot higher AND has curved my sweet tooth on NUMEROUS occasions. There are so many ways to make it, and it doesn't even have to be a shake! You can make it into ice cream, I used it as a spread sometimes, cookies, protien bars, and the list goes on! Not only is this stuff legit, but it is DELICIOUS! And YOU will be able to try out the cinnamon roll recipe for shakeology if you enter in the giveaway listed up top! I used to have my resignations about it, but it definately changed once I started using it. I only spend $4 a meal when I use shakeology. You can't get a hamburger for that cheap (or healthfully satisfying either). 


 1 tsp. cinnamon 

 1 tsp. vanilla extract 

 1 c. of unsweetend vanilla almond milk (skim, or soy works too) 

 If you want to get a little nuts I like to add 1/2 c. of frozen black cherrys to give it a POW (Cherry Cinnamon Roll??? Yes please!) 

Guys if you want to get the breakdown of Shakeo, just go click on my Shakeology button next to my twitter, pinterest and FB buttons. Just learning about it is pretty awesome and all of the science put into it!


  1. You know what's crazy? I always find people claiming that their recipe is clean eating, when it's not. I mean, maybe a little healthier than regular, but not completely clean!! As far as this recipe goes, it's completely clean. And I Love it. I'm pinning it. And saving for future reference. So thank you!!

  2. Yay! I am so glad Amanda! There are tons of recipes to use with Shakeology! It's fantastic! Do you drink it too?


Thank you for your comments, I'll respond ASAP.