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Thursday, October 24, 2013


Probably my most favorite holiday of the year. I think it is so much fun to and interesting! What I would like to hear is what are YOU doing during this holiday to stay healthy and keep your kids healthy? Now I am not about to tell you to give out boxes of raisins or tooth brushes. There IS a way to have a little leniency and still stay healthy. It is ok to have a treat here and there, but don't take the fun out of it. Let kids be kids. I think it is important to help them understand that gobbling a pillowcase of candy probably isn't the best and the importance of moderation. But I'll leave the creativity and all that up to you. You're the parent, not me so you know what's best. However, the real issue is staying out of your kids candy or the stash you keep around the house until Halloween. My personal opinion, remember the importance of moderation as well. If you have trouble with temptation and the bag of candy on your shelf for Halloween, have someone hide it for you. Or, don't buy Halloween candy until right before. All the good candy is taken, and you are left with the yucky you won't eat it anymore. Put it in places that you don't often see it, like a high shelf or a cupboard you rarely get into. Out of sight, out of mind.


  1. Definitely my most favorite time of the year as well!!!! Moderation is always key in keeping healthy.

    1. Heck yes! You DO have to live a little bit. But never lose sight of your main goals :)

  2. I'm working, so no candy at my house. Sorry kiddos, but one day you will forgive me!

    1. Hey, saves you money and guilt, as well as makes the kids walk further ;) (more exercise) win, win, win.

  3. Sooo true out of sight , out of mind.. but put the candy in front of me and I will eat it. No hesitation :) haha

    1. Right? All you are thinking about is candy and how it tastes and...whoa making myself hungry! The important thing is moderation is key, keep it hidden, stay on track ;)


Thank you for your comments, I'll respond ASAP.