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Thursday, November 7, 2013

Operation Smile

So in addition to yesterday's post, the organization also gives back. I find this to be a very important effort because my sister works in a dental office and she tells me all sorts of stories and how important it really is hygenically and healthfully to keep le pearly whites clean. Operation Smile is a children's international charity that performs reconstructive surgery on children born with or have developed a cleft and they don't have the funds to pay for surgery. I have found that with every textbook rented from, they donate a portion to Operation Smile. I think this is really cool, you can get your college textbooks for a huge discount, or are able to rent out already purchased (and expensive) books to other college students and earn money everytime (as well as save other students' money by renting the book) AND donate to a well known international charity for children. WIN. WIN. WIN. WIN! I don't think you could really find any other way to be so productive with money since you are already working, going to school, taking care of your family and your health/fitness. It's so nice to see companies actually doing something for the greater good! If you want to know more about this charity, I have posted a link below. It really is a great organization and a good read on their website. There are also other ways to donate and help out if you aren't in college and want to get involved.

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